Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Hypothetical Reader Questions
Sunday, July 26, 2009
A constant state of disarray
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
No news is ... boring
Jack loves learning how to stand, especially when it involves hanging on the edge of his new toy box. In fact, he gets pretty angry when Mom makes him take a seat. Currently we're working on keeping our feet flat while practicing standing, and not trying to grab something with both hands when thse hands are the only thing keeping you up!
Ever since he was a little tyke Jack has loved window time. But now he's starting to get a will of his own. If I'm holding him while sitting on the couch he usually tries to climb over my shoulder until he can get a better view of the outside world. We like to watch the cars and doggies go by. Oh, and I do clean my windows, but they're those silly double-paned ones that get moisture stuck in the middle and always look dirty.
A few days later he realized he could yank out all the paper bags and make cool sounds by jumping on them.
And our newest toy - the bike seat! We've been practicing riding on the back of Daddy's bike patiently and QUIETLY. Jack's usually good for he first 20 minutes, and then he starts serenading us on our ride. And it's usually not a happy song. It might be because the view from back there isn't so great. I'm not sure why the manufacturers designed the sitter to be right at eye level with the driver's rear. We'll keep working on our biker attitude before our big camping trip and even longer bike rides with Poppa.
And finally, Jack has been cracking us up lately with his latest gig - the ghetto bop. Even the church nursery ladies commented on how he "dances" to the music. Currently he's got two signature moves - the head shake and the torso bounce. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to get a good video of this yet, since he always stops when I get the camera out. But really, it's hilarious watching Bruiser get his groove on. You can kind of get an idea from the first few seconds of this video:
Any Veggie Tales fans out there want to name that tune? It's Jack's favorite VT movie, and I'm sure it's not because we only have two and the other one is about a princess...
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Narcistic much?
Now I know babies love mirrors, but I'm thinkin' it may be time to arrange some socialization opportunities. Playdate anyone?
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
We had an awesome time together! The men got to do lots of cool guy things like play volleyball, solve world problems, and watch the Tour de France. The ladies got in plenty of girl time chatting on the beach, making delicious food and entertaining the kiddos. And the newest BFFs, Jack and Trenton, learned a lot about sharing toys and eating sand.
Nate and Jenn celebrated their 6th anniversary while staying with us (according to them they spend so much time "just the two of us" that they don't mind celebrating the occasional anniversary with good friends). Six years and going strong, with no kids. :) Our mission last year was to convince them to join us in Parentland. It seemed to easy then, me with my cute, little 7-month pregnant baby bump. No swollen ankles in sight. Motivated by that amazing middle-of-the-pregnancy energy boost! Setting up an adorable nursery for our little man to enjoy. Well, if that didn't convince them then there's no way that a whiney, poopy, always-hungry-when-mom's-trying-to-enjoy-her-dinner, clingy, nap-fighting, don't-let-him-out-of-your-site-or-he'll-eat-sand 9-month old boy is going to do it. So for now, we're just going to enjoy our childless friends and the way they spoil their "faux-phews" Jack and Trenton. And should they choose to forego yet another year of baby-ness to spend a year in the Cayman Islands, well we'll support them in that too. Especially if they have a guest room, we'll totally support that. :) And someday they'll change their minds, and then I'll get to enjoy their babies while mine are, I don't know, going to HIGH SCHOOL!!
Bear with me here, lots of pictures to share ... it was hard choosing just a few favorites from among the 376 thar Jenn took!
The boys loved the water, and took turns cruising in the floating airplane. The best part about being at the bay is that the waves aren't so overpowering for the little guys.
Brawn and Brains were a riot! Jack would use his strength to yank a toy from Trenton, and Trenton would use his quick-thinking, fast moves to steal it back from Jack when he wasn't looking. In this picture Jack is playing with Trenton's shovel (a.k.a. giant spoon) and Trenton is scheming a way to get it back!
Enjoying our frozen hot chocolate, mmm soo good!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Fun with the cousins!
This is the third summer that Jon's sister and brother-in-law and their 4 boys have come to visit for a week or so. It is also the last year they'll get to spend their summer vacation with us at the beach so I'm glad Jack got to be a part of it. He was pretty happy about it too. He was so in awe of his bigger buddies, he couldn't stop smiling the whole week!
Besides working on his tan, going on his first hike, wrestling with the boys, and showing off his Jumpster moves, Jack also got accidentally "dropped" into the deck door and managed to convince one of the twins to give him a taste of Goldfish crackers. He's a smooth one!
We all know how much I like to put hats on my son, at least I'm over the hoodie stage ...
This was the cousins' favorite game - lay under Jack in the Jumpster and see if he'll jump on your face.
Watching cartoons with the big guys ...
Ice cream night a.k.a. Uncle Jonny and Aunt Janine keeping the kiddos entertained so Mom and Dad can go out on a hot date.
Sharing toys with Nonnie's boys ...
Jack's first hike, we're practicing for our big camping trip this summer!
And finally, this picture make me laugh! We'd been hiking for so long that Jack didn't realize he could put his arms down.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Entertain Yourself
In the meantime, you may want to entertain yourself by checking out the webpage I created in my 8th grade computer class. This is how I channeled my html genius before Facebook and Blogger were on the scene. Actually, I had pretty much forgotten about this totally awesome site, until I got an email this week informing me that GeoCities is closing! So hurry, because after October 26 my labor of love will no longer be available!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Gentle Jack
It's also interesting to see which toys he plays with the most. Despite a pile of singing, flashing, moving, colorful pieces of plastic, his go-to toy is currently a compartmentalized plate (you'll see it in the video). He does the same thing every time, open and shut the doors, and take off the blue one. I put it back on for him, and within a few seconds he pulls it off again. He's very predictable.
And I'm always amazed to see how much he can concentrate on one little, tiny aspect of one, lonely toy. If you give him a stuffed animal, he will go straight to the tag and flick it back and forth for the whole play time. He loves to flick one of my finger nails when I'm holding him, and last night while we were laying on the couch his activity of choice was running his finger over the ridges on my front tooth. It was so weird I couldn't stop laughing, and then I was afraid I was going to accidentally bite him. But he was very serious about inspecting mommy's teeth.
So that's our son, our little mini-us whose quirks keep us entertained on daily basis!
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Independence Day
This is the third year in a row our little neighborhood has put on its own parade. Everyone is invited to participate by gathering together a few minutes before the official "start time." But we opted to watch instead. :) Basically it's just a group of people and pets all dressed in their patriotic best, walking, biking, riding, strollering, driving or golf carting down the street, waving at all their neighbors. It's a cute and fun addition to the day. Kind of like Jack. Speaking of whom, Lush Bucket loved all the attention. Their were ladies stopping to let him know how cute he was, fellow babies babbling as their parents pushed them by, and doggies eager to jump on mommy's lap and exchange kisses! Someone even threw us two pieces of candy! Unfortunately, it all ended too quickly. Poor Jack kept looking down the street to see if anyone else was going to walk by.
So here are a few pictures of what was likely our last 4th of July at The Beach...
Our youngest guest, 2-week old Rose.
And the neighborhood parade ...
And the parade's biggest fan taking it all in ...
Friday, July 3, 2009
The Tank Mobilizes
And that's all it took. Since then he's been rolling around like it's his job. Which poses a few new problems. Now he cries if he wakes up and finds himself on his belly, which has caused more than a few sleep disruptions. And he rolls until he hits an object (like a wall or the coffee table) and then cries when he can't roll anymore. And he rolls, and rolls, and rolls, until he's rolled clear across the room and is teetering on the edge of the steps. Yikes! Gone are the days of "plop Jack in the middle of the room with toys while I get some things done."
But all complaints aside it's fun to watch him grow up and learn new things. He's pretty proud of the way he can get around now. And I'm pretty proud I can finally cross "rolls over" off my devlopmental list. :)