Jude, our "touchy" baby. He's the only one in the family who didn't recover from "the great sickness" on his own. After snotting and coughing for over two weeks, I finally took him in to the doctor. He just finished up antibiotics and has been doing much better. But now that we're beyond the "rubbing boogers on Mommy's shirt" and 5am coughing fits, we've moved into more teething. Like his brother, Jude has his front 4 teeth on the top and bottom, skipped the canines, and is moving on to the "back teeth" (I don't know what they're called!). So we've been dealing with a few random fevers recently, as well as tossing his lunch up all over Mommy ... while she was on the phone with her Director.

We love our Jude-bug's walk. We get a kick out of it every day. And he's loving his new form of transportation. He now chooses walking over crawling and can usually be found carrying some object from somewhere and depositing it in another place it shouldn't be. Which would explain why I'll find one shoe in the kitchen, a toothbrush floating in the toilet, or Jon's alarm clock behind the living room chair. It's also why we've gone over a week so far without Jack's video monitor. I've always wondered at what point I'd stop using a monitor with Jack. Well I now have the answer, it's at 2 years, 9 months ... or when your brother is last seen carrying the monitor and since then it's nowhere to be found.
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