We had nothing going on this weekend. Nothing. It was nice. And so of course we took advantage of the peace and quiet (well, as peaceful and quiet as it gets with 3 little ones) to regroup. Which translates to: me organizing and updating my grocery cost spreadsheet, menu plans and recipe list. And Jon organizing our finances and prioritizing his ever-increasing house project list. Fun times around here.
After a week of being on my own with the kids 12 hours a day, it was nice to have our Daddy around again to give me a breather. All three of my guys spent time outside doing yard work yesterday while Julia and I heated up the kitchen.
Speaking of the kitchen, I've made
these Chocolate Chip Cookies for One just about every day this week. And then I realized that much baking kinda defeated the purpose. So this afternoon I made an entire batch of chocolate chip cookies, to save myself the effort over the course of this week. Smart thinkin', Janine.
And then it rained. And because we're homeowners, and lawn managers and rain-barrel caretakers, we kinda get excited when it rains. And because we have two wild little boys who start to drive us a little batty when they're inside for too long we decided the best way to celebrate the weather was with a family walk. Actually, Jon and I thought it was a walk. Jack and Jude thought it was a just a puddle expedition.
I started out with the camera but since it was still raining I only got one shot. |
And since the Little Miss can't do puddles yet we gave her another opportunity to work those leg muscles. Actually, I happened to find the Jumper under the bed, where we had put it when we started the kitchen renovation. I had completely forgotten about it, and since we still don't have the trim done in the kitchen we can't use it there anyway. In fact, the only place we can use it downstairs is in the guest room doorway. Right over a step. But that's alright, Girlfriend likes to take risks.
awwwwe quiet weekends, those are way to rare! so glad you guys got to soak up the family'ness and the rain..lucky! bytheway...i'm going to have to try that cookie recipe.
I just had it again today, perfect naptime snack!
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