My name is Janine. I'm the mama-logger - wife to Handsome Coastie, mother to four amazing little kiddos, and occasional work-at-home typist/editor. I have a Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies and a Master of Education degree with an emphasis in Journalism. Ironically, I don't teach and my husband says I'm a bad communicator. I love to read, am a Jane Austen fanatic, and am praying for a Coast Guard tour to England someday so I can live in her shoes. Theoretically, if I had free time, I would spend it turning out new projects on my sewing machine, seeking out recipes to force my kids to try strange, new foods, or devising another way to cut the family budget.
In March 2006, I married my Handsome Coastie. He is very handsome, is in the Coast Guard and prefers not to have his business blabbed about the blogosphere. You can read more about our romantic courtship in the "Our Story" series.
In February 2008 we found out we were going to be parents. There are no words to explain the wonder and joy of creating a new life and then watching your child grow and experience that life for the first time. But I write anyway.
First-time parenthood rocked our world, but we enjoyed Jack so much we quickly opted for a second go-round. Jude was born 18 months after his brother. Nine months after his arrival we were surprised to find out we were expecting again! And so, one week before our oldest turned 3, we hurriedly welcomed our first daughter, Julia, whom I "caught" in the car as we pulled into the Birth Center!
With three blessings aged three-and-under, we thought our quiver was full. But God had other plans, and two months before our firstborn turned 5, baby girl Jocelyn graced our growing family!
Being parents is a challenging adventure, but we're enjoying every adorable, exhausting, stinky, sticky moment of it. We truly believe "children are heritage from the Lord" and see each of our kids as our greatest accomplishments. We're not perfect parents, not even close, but our goal is to raise our children with a heart for God and others, and have some fun in the process!
Originally this blog was to keep our friends and family updated on our pregnancy and growing firstborn. But even if there were no readers, I'd still record these moments - moments of giddy anticipation, desperate fear, tearful frustration, unquenchable laughter, and heart-gripping love. As a mom, these are all moments that I never want to forget. I hope you enjoy sharing in our memories!