Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Another Pleasant Valley Sunday
Jon had wanted to go gate shopping anyway. Jack had breached my frugal attempt at a stair blockade on more than one occasion.
A little basil anyone?
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Oh Baby!
Everything looked great! Only one baby (phew!), and despite the location of my recent weight gain, the baby is really in my belly, not my rear. Speaking of weight gain, I'm up 3 lbs. I think that's normal. ?? Which means I'm only allowed to gain 22 more. Haha, yeah right!
Anyway, we saw #2 right away, and his/her heart was beating away at 154 bpm. Which is what Jack's was early on. So I'm thinkin' (and agrees), this might be another boy.

And the Chinese Gender Predictor is saying the same thing:

*sigh* I love ultrasounds. Despite the minute-by-minute, gag-inducing reminders that there is definitely a baby in there, it's always good to see the little one and know everything is right on track. Unfortunately, our pictures didn't turn out that well. But we could see its hands and feet moving around. And even some of the facial structure. Although it was a little harder to concentrate this time around because Jack wouldn't sit still. What else is new? I didn't think it was worth it to get a babysitter for a 15 minute appointment, and Jon didn't want to miss out on the photo op. So he held Jack, and tried to make whatever was happening on the screen seem exciting, but Tank was more interested in playing with the lamp.

The doctors say I'm 11 weeks, 1 day today. I think I'm only 10 weeks. #2 measured right in the middle at 10 weeks, 4 days at the ultrasound. Which to me, considering my first kid was slightly on the larger side, means my date is probably more accurate. But the doctor's always win. They're sticking with my April 14 due date. Now don't get me wrong, I'd much rather be 1 week closer to the glorious second trimester. But I'd hate to end up overdue, and have a doctor threatening to evict my child at 42 weeks when I'm really only 41. I guess that's still a ways off, and if things go the way they did with Jack it won't be an issue anyway. Now if you'll excuse me, I must go pull my cranky didn't-get-a-good-nap-this-afternoon little boy out of the trash can.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
1st trimester woes and whines

"Ugh, sick. But not as bad as with Jack."
To which everyone usually responds, "Ohhh, that must mean it's a girl!"
I've heard too many stories that do not affirm that tale, so we shall have to wait and see!
Anyway, I don't have any food aversions this time around, but am definitely feeling some cravings. Then again, that could just be me taking advantage of this IMMENSE HUNGER I've been feeling for the past 5 weeks. All I can say is, I can't get enough chocolate milkshakes, Chick-Fil-A and by-golly if I could find a place that sells sticky buns around here I'd be eating one of those a day too. (And thank you Facebook friends for all the great sticky bun recipes, I plan on making them but I'm afraid I'll ruin my husband's strict diet.)
Also, my acute sense of smells is back! Twice now I've driven through a particular part of our neighborhod and was overwhelmed with the scent of smoked bologna. Which only meant I HAD to have some. I didn't know what the stuff was really called, so it took a while for the grocer man and I to find me the biggest hunk of summer sausage. We had a party at our house that day, I ate about half of it with some crackers and cheese, just like I had dreamed about...
Of course, a keen sniffer definitely has it's drawbacks. Especially when it comes to the foulest smelling 11 month old poop I have EVER SEEN! I don't know what's going on with Jack's GI track this week, but it's been almost unbearable. And to top it all of, he's suddenly decided he no longer likes getting his diaper changed. So now he yells, wiggles, rolls over, puts his hands "down there", kicks his feet into the dirty diaper, and then grabs it and swings it over his head. Needless to say, this job has gotten extremely messy.
This morning was no exception. After wiping down Jack's diaper area, feet, hands, and anything else that obstructed my diaper changing efforts, I went to deposit a full-to-capacity diaper into the diaper pail. Only to discover the bag had run out. Now don't get me wrong, I love my Diaper Genie. That thing is a lifesaver for people with touchy gag reflexes. Except when the bag runs out. So not only did I have to put the steaming object into the bag MYSELF but I also had to open the bag of old, reeking diapers to do so. And then close it back out, with a puff of stale air, to tie it shut. I was dry-heaving the entire time. Jack thought this was the most hilarious thing ever. And, no lie, 5 minutes later he pooped again. Geesh Jack, a little recovery time would be nice!
After our morning walk he and I were playing on the couch. Sometimes we get a little wild. But with a spirited baby I don't think I'm in danger of "over activity." Anything to wear the kid out a little. Anyway, all the jiggling and laughing must have stirred something up because mid-laugh he burped-spit all over my shirt. It smelled like rotten Kix, which is what he had been snacking on after breakfast (plain Kix, not rotten ones). I immediately commenced to dry-heaving again. And Jack got in another good laugh.
Aside from the cravings and smells, there are some days when I just feel like crap. Days when I don't feel like changing out of my pajamas and just want to lay on the couch and watch girly movies. But fortunately, these days are few and far between, although I have managed to get through both Anne of Green Gables movies recently. [These are the perfect not-feeling-so-hot movies, except when you're a hormonal preggo. I pretty much bawled through the majority of "The Sequel."]
Most days, I just feel like I'm about to throw up at any time, and then I get really tired between 1-5pm. I've only actually thrown up once, which is why I don't think this is as bad as last time. If I remember correctly I was sick at least once in morning and often in the afternoon or after dinner, for about weeks 9-14. I want to say I'm more tired this time around, but I think it's just the fact that I have an energetic little boy who likes to crawl up the stairs 20 times a day and throw things into the toilet and bathtub. (Did I mention I WILL be buying a gate this week!)
The truth is, I think my 11 month old baby and my 11 week old fetus have been conniving behind my back. I can tell they're already going to be best buds:
#2: "Hey big bro, I'm going to be going through a growth spurt the next three days and am really laying the hormones on Mom. This would be a good time for you to learn how to wipe all the pictures off the fridge and fulfill your dream of dumping the dirt out of Mom's plants."
Jack: "Great idea sib. How 'bout I wear Mom out so much with chasing me up and down the stairs that she's too tired to make lunch and NEEDS her Chick-Fil-A. I know how much you love a #1 combo with no pickle!"
#2: "Deal bro, you got it!"
And so it goes. Suffice it to say, after the morning I've had, I will be taking Jack gate-shopping this afternoon and buying myself a chicken sandwich on the way!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Time in terms of a bookshelf
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Get to know Jack
Anyway, one of my favorite aspects of Hoggs books is her focus on getting to know your baby as a person, a person with individual thoughts, feelings and personality. In fact, she even has a personality quiz for your baby. She groups babies into 5 types: Angel, Textbook, Touchy, Spirited, and Grumpy. I remember reading this before Jack was born thinking, "Gosh, I hope this kid is an Angel Baby!" Ehhhh, not so much. In fact, I had a hard time figuring him out even after he was born. In those early weeks he seemed to fall somewhere between Touchy, Grumpy and a tad Spirited. But definitely not an Angel or Textbook baby. (Oh well, maybe next time.)
In the toddler book she has another quiz, which I took again on behalf of Jack and low and behold the results were loud and clear. I am the proud mother of a Spirited Baby. I read the following (paraphrased) to Jon and he announced, "That's our boy!":
- Our most active toddler, he's very physical, often willful, and may be prone to temper tantrums. He is very social and curious and will point to objects and reach out for them and for other kids early on. This child is the consummate adventurer; he will have a go at anything and is very determined. He displays a great sense of achievement w
hen he accomplishes something. At the same time, he needs very clear boundaries so that he doesn't act like a steamroller, trampling anyone or anything in his path. Once they start crying, these toddlers have stamina and styaing power, so you're in for a long haul if you don't have a good routine going at night. They're also keen observers of their caretakers. Spirited toddlers have a mind of their own. If he's with Mum [Hogg is British], and Dad tries to pick him up, he'll push him off.
- Given good guidance and an outlet for his energy, however, a Spirited toddler can become a leader and very accomplished in whatever area interests him.
- Socially, a Spirited toddler has a hard time with sharing. He tends to change focus quickly, tear around the room, and flit about, playing with lots of toys.
- This baby, who has a mind of his own, may seem to resist your schedule. Or just when you think you have him on a good routine, he decides it's not working for him... Spirited babies show you what works for them and what doesn't... It takes a Spirited baby about 12 weeks to start sleeping through the night. They act as though they don't want to stay asleep for fear of missing something. They also have a hard time winding down.
- Spirited babies are typically good eaters.
- At sleep time, a Spirited baby tends to fidget a lot; you may have to block out his visual stimulation. He sometimes gets a wild, wide-eyed look when she's tired, as if there are little matchsticks propping his eyelids open.
Both Jon and I had a good laugh about how well Hogg described our son, without ever meeting him. She also has great advice on how to handle particular situations - eating, sleeping, playing, changing, etc. - based on your child's type, which I find really helpful. It also appears that I have my work cut out for me these next few years. Jack really needs some serious boundaries, but at this point my exhausted, morning-sickened self is having a hard time enforcing them. I know he understands "No," he's just having a hard time proving it. But we're making progress. I'm just wondering how many times I'll have to pull him off the stairs, steer him away from the CD rack, and shut the bathroom door in his face before we get there.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
The best part about Wednesdays ...
Monday, September 14, 2009
First appointments are never that exciting
I've had a few people ask me if I'd ever want to have a homebirth. I've thought about it, and it would be an amazing experience, but in the end I just don't think it's for me. (And I don't think my husband would ever go for that). We've had several friends give birth at a local midwifery center here, which would be my first choice, but for Baby #2 it's the hospital again. So we're praying for another natural childbirth, hopefully without an induction this time. I guess in some small measure it's my way of redeeming the hospital birth. My chance to show the doctors that there are people like me who want to give birth in the hospital, and want to do it as naturally as possible, and are absolutley thrilled with the experience. And now that I've said all that, back to the first "appointment"...
I recognized the nurse's voice as soon as she picked up the phone. She was there for almost every one of my appointments with Jack. She also recognized my name right away. "Haven't we seen you here before?" "Uh, yeah. I just had a baby 10 months ago." "Ohhh yeah, WOW, well ..., congratulations." We've kind of been getting that response a lot lately. It's okay people. We're really excited about being pregnant again. You can be happy for us too. :)
The doctor doesn't want to see me until 11 weeks, or somewhere around there since I'm still not sure what my actual due date is. I was just a tad disappointed. I LOVE that first ultrasound. The one that shows you a little teddy bear with a beating heart. *sigh* Eleven weeks just seems so long to wait. Oh well, I have my morning sickness and extreme exhaustion to tide me over right?
So anyway, instead of meeting with a nurse first she just asked me to stop by the clinic some time and fill out some paperwork and get my bloodwork done. So I did. In addition to peeing in a cup I also had to give 7 vials of blood. 7 VIALS! I was a little nervous about this because last time I almost fainted and the nurse had to rush me some juice and a candy bar. Well, ... it happened again! Except this time I had a man and he did not get me juice and a candy bar. :( I'm so embarrassed. I'm pretty good with needles and pain. I think it's just a mixture of being pregnant and nauseous, and losing a bucket of blood all at one time. From the moment he put the needle in I knew it was going to be bad, the blood was barely trickling through. By the second vial the corners of my eyes were starting to get black. By the third vial I had to ask him to stop. Then he made me put my head down for a little.
"Are you feeling better?" he said.
"Not really."
"Do you know where you are?"
"Yeah ... but I can't really hear anything, is that normal?"
Apparently it is. He gave me another few seconds to recoop (which wasn't really long enough but there was a crowd of sailors outside the door and I just wanted to get out of there) and then stabbed the other arm. I don't think my blood has ever flowed so slowly before. I was tapping my foot to try to stay alert, counting down each vial as it finished. I always think it's funny how they band-aid a cotton ball to your arm. Really? It's a needle hole, I don't think I'm going to start gushing blood anytime soon. Especially since you pretty much just took it all. The band-aid on my second arm wouldn't stick. So Nurse Man proceeds to pull out 3 inch wide wrap, to hold the band-aid, which holds the cotton ball, which covers the tiniest prick in my arm. Completely unnecessary.
I ski-daddled right out of there as fast as my faint little heart could take me and immediately took myself to Chick-Fil-A for a high-carb meal complete with sugar infested Sweet Tea. I wouldn't normally fuel my little zygote with caffeine this early in the game, but he/she is lucky if she got any of that sweet tea by the time it got through my starving system.
And that was the first apointment. Phew, so glad that's behind us. Bring on the ultrasounds and dopplers please. Those appointments are so much more fun!
Friday, September 11, 2009
Hanging out with the in-laws
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
The day we found out about #2
Now you may be wondering what cute little way I had cooked up to tell Jon. Especially after my awesome Dad pancakes last year. Unfortunately, it didn't play out as well as I had envisioned. It was August 12 and Jon had just gotten home from work (hours later than usual I might add). He immediately started talking about his application for the new job. We started to sit down to dinner and I asked him to get a "special treat" out of the oven. He opened it up and there was one lonely bun. He didn't get. "It's just a bun ... and the oven's not even warm." Then I said, "Yes, I know ... there's a BUN in the OVEN." Then it hit him. That made our decision about the overseas job much easier and I'm happy to report that my husband will be by my side throughout this whole prenancy and delivery.
I went to the clinic for a blood test that night. I was disappointed to find that I would be seeing the weird doctor that I did not like, the one that had offered me a perscription for birth control less than 2 monthes before. A perscription that I had obviously never filled. :) He walked into the room and the first thing he said was, "I take it the pills didn't work." Blah to awkward doctors!
So I'm sure some people think we're crazy for having children only 18 months apart. But we're very excited about Baby #2 and can't wait to go through the whole pregnancy, childbirth and (my not-so-favorite part) the newborn months all over again! We hated keeping it a secret but, for several reasons, originally decided to wait until the second trimester to make the big announcement. We also thought it would be more fun to tell everyone in person when we came home in October.
Well, it didn't work out that way. As many of you may know, my husband is not known for his secret-keeping-skills. The fact that he had kept this news under wraps for over 3 weeks was pretty impressive! So I wasn't too upset when he caved this weekend and alerted my in-laws to their 8th grandchild's existence over a lovely outdoor seafood dinner. We didn't want to leave my parents and the rest of our family out so we dashed over to Michael's for some iron-on letters that spelled out B-I-G B-R-O and made Jack a t-shirt to wear. The next night we sent a text message with the picture to my parents, then our siblings, and then to a few of our friends. Within a few hours the news had leaked onto good ole' Facebook and when we decided to make an "official" announcement. And that brings us to the present. Me sitting on the couch, exhausted before the day even starts, chugging water and munching on saltines. Other than some blood tests and paperwork, I haven't been to the doctor yet. I think I'm somewhere between 8-9 weeks. As of right now, my due date is April 14 but I think that will change once we have our first ultrasound in two weeks. I'm pretty sure these next 2 weeks can't go by fast enough. I hate first-trimester anxiety!! In the meantime, I'll be sure to keep you updated on all the details of second-time mommyhood!
Monday, September 7, 2009
Big News!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
When Daddy's away, Mom and Baby play!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Sometimes I crack myself up

Dear Future Husband,
Today is my 12th birthday party, Melody, Megan D., Anna & Jill are up here with me in our upstairs cabin. That's why I'm writing on this Funky paper. I have no Idea who you are. NO OFFENSE but lately I've been thinking of [insert name of popular boy in 1995]. I don't know if you are him or not but Rebecca K. likes him to and lots of other. I practically have no hope. I really hope I can keep this vow to present to you I hope to never kiss anybody (not including brotehrs, Dads) except at the pulpit with you.
I love you,
Janine Sheree
P.S. (March 16 1996, Maybe I will when you ask me to marry you