Friday, June 24, 2011

Let my words be few

It's been a rough week.  Or has it been two weeks?  Geesh, I don't even know how long it's been since the chaos began.  But it hasn't been without it's bright moments and newsworthy tidbits that I can't wait to share.  But today I still have 3 (count them: 3!!!) boxes to unpack.  And then we've paint to buy.  Not to mention the gazillion other little projects that come with homeownership.  I won't let that stand in the way of blogging forever.  I promise, especially for those of you who have been asking (and asking), pictures of the new digs next week.  And fun stories about packing and moving while pregnant and with two little ones.  But if my husband catches me blogging while there are still two boxes in the kitchen I'll never hear the end of it.  So for now, here a few pictures to tide you over:

Big news: Jack's got a sandbox.



He's also got a nice collection of bug bites from hours in the backyard.


Jude's got his walking shoes.


Love this little Jude-step!  Hmmm, sounds like a good name for a new dance move to teach the boys on a rainy day.

And both boys have terrible, awful, up-all-night-with-snot-coming-out-of-every-little-crevice colds. :(



Jon's got his 147 page rough draft done.  (Okay I know that's not correct grammar but I had to stick with the theme.)

 [insert picture of Jon plugging away on Word at desk.]

And I've got a new camera lens.  Woot woot!


In which we play "Jake and the Neverland Pirates"...

... and spy for giants trying to steal our food.

And now I bring you, a typical moment in the life of Jack and Jude: 


Jude having a grand time in the castle all by himself (note Jack's ready-stance in the background).


Poor Jude doesn't stand a chance.


Jack typically attempts to mask his assault with hugs and laughter, but really he's just scaring the snot outta Jude.


And apparently it's Jack's turn to use the telescope, it's always Jack's turn to use the telescope...


...and the steering wheel.  Pretty much, if Jude wants to play with it, Jack does too.


And in case you're wondering, there's a nice little stump out by the swingset that makes a handy "time out" zone following events such as the above. I don't always just stand there and snap away at blatant affrontries, but sometimes it is nice to document.  For posterity of course.

He has a bug in his hand and he's about to take it down the slide. 

Happy weekend to you!



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