Thursday, September 3, 2009

When Daddy's away, Mom and Baby play!

Jon just returned from 12 days in Detroit. It was NOT FUN being the only parent in this house! Keeping up with Jack solo wears me out. So we shifted into survival mode. Translated, I eat lots of Chick-Fil-A and completely let the house go until the day before he gets back. Without a man to impress I also occasionally go 3 days without washing my hair, and I wear my retainer to bed at night. Yeah, it's rough around here.
Like I alluded to in a previous post, the key to keeping sane with an active pre-toddler, especially without my back-up caretaker, is lots of outings. It was good to keep us both occupied. So we took numerous morning walks ... and afternoon walks. Met a few friends for lunch. Went to the beach every other evening (which also happened to be tubby nights) to splash in the waves and frolic in the sand. And went out shopping probably a little bit more than we should have. :)

It's funny how much more difficult it is, normally Jon's so busy with work and school that I tend to manage Jack-stuff on my own anyway, so you think his absence wouldn't make a big difference. But for some reason it does. I miss the 20 minutes of freedom I get when Jon comes home from work and entertains baby. I miss the one diaper change a day that somehow has fallen to one diaper change a week. I miss having someone else load up the car on Sunday nights so I only have to make 2 trips instead of 4 when I go to work on Monday. I miss having someone empty the trash and recycle bins (that's gross!). And I really miss having someone to double-team Jack with on Sunday mornings for church. That's a lot of work to accomplish by 8:15am, and even more work once we get to church. Usually we take turns holding him during praise and worship, and then I drop him off at the nursery for the sermon. But he's officially too heavy for me to hold that long and when I put him down he's off crawling under the seats. So this week the nursery staff was quite happy to see one of their favorite little boys arrive 30 minutes early. (Should it bother me that he doesn't even notice when I leave? Because he doesn't.)

But all that is passed, for now, because Jon is home and re-inforcements are on the way! My in-laws are coming for the long weekend and I'm looking forward to taking a few days off to recooperate. Someone else can keep the child out of the CDs, and would someone please teach him how to get back down the steps? Oh, and watch out for flailing arms during meal times! If you need me I'll be on the deck reading or on the couch watching Pride and Prejudice.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

you might want to go read your book on another are still within ear distance of "jaaannniiiiinnneeeee!1" LOL

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