Wednesday, March 16, 2011

First Trimester Funk

Jon says we must be having a girl since I’ve been so grumpy lately. Aside from not being the wisest comment a husband could make to his pregnant wife, he is probably right. I haven’t been the easiest person to live with. But it’s hard to know how much of that can be attributed to crazy hormonal activity, constant nausea, over-exhaustion, and nights of poor sleep … or all these typical first trimester issues combined with the fact that I’m trying to keep up with two little boys, the busyness of work during a heavy marketing season, and the constant weight of not knowing where we’ll be living in a few months. It’s hard to say. But I’ll admit, I haven’t quite felt like myself lately.


The first trimester always gets me down, and this one has been no exception. I hate to say it but it’s almost like I’ve temporarily lost my zeal for life. Not that I don’t want to go on living, but more like I’m just trying to get through each day on the bare minimum. Just thinking about meals makes me want to gag, much less actually eating them. By the time the boys go to bed I’m ready to head there myself. I’ve traded in books and sewing projects for evenings on the couch watching American Idol. And I don’t have a single “spring” décor item up in the house. I’m seriously slackin’!


And on top of the "normal" first trimester stuff I ended up coming down with some nasty stomach bug this past weekend.  The kind of bug that kept me up at night and exhausted all day.  By Monday my stomach was better but I had a major headache from being slightly dehydrated.  I recovered just in time for Jude's teething to really set in.  We're up to AT LEAST 7 teeth right now, that I can count, cutting through at the SAME TIME.  The poor little guy is hurting and exhausted and cranky and clingy.  And so is his mama.

But the good news is better days are just around the corner. Weather is predicted to be in the 60s and 70s the rest of this week, which means Jack will have plenty of fresh air to breathe, room to run and mud to throw. Thanks to the time change the boys are now sleeping past 7am and I am loving the extra time in the morning. On Friday I get to catch a glimpse of our new little one so we can settle the due date and confirm we’re only growing by one baby this fall. In two weeks, I’ll be headed into the second trimester and enjoying the new mommy adrenaline rushes that those months bring. And, most anticipated of all, we just got word on Saturday that in June we’ll be headed to (drumroll please) … the greater Annapolis area in Maryland!



Yes, the wait is finally over! Now the hard work begins. And can I just say how proud I am of my husband for getting his FIRST CHOICE for the fourth time in a row. He’s so excited about this new job, and I’m excited for him!





So here’s to new adventures in a new home, and new babies and new seasons. Because spring is just around the corner, and I have never looked forward to it more!


1 comment:

Deborah said...

Love the pictures of Jack playing in the puddle!

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