So I was entering some data into my "Pregnancy Tracker" a.k.a Excel spreadsheet and was surprised and not delighted to find that I officially weigh the same as I did at this point with Jack. "What's the big deal?" you say. The big deal is that I started out weighing less when I got pregnant this time around. The big deal is that up until a few weeks ago, I was a good 2 pounds under my Jack weight. The big deal was probably Christmas and the fact that I think Baby had a growth spurt this week. Can we say hormone surge? I type this as I'm sipping on carbonated beverages and snacking on crackers because I'm feeling queasy yet again. I've also been a tad emotional this week, near to tears on several occasions, but haven't quite lost it yet. And so, little brother has officially caught up to big brother. Funny thing is, I'm not the only one having a hard time buttoning my pants...
They say that second babies are typically bigger than first babies. But I've also heard lots of stories to the contrary. I've been expecting #2 to be different than Jack. I've just been picturing a quiet, calm, tiny little guy that likes to snuggle with his Mama and listen to her read entire books, not just the first two pages. Jack didn't turn out the way I was expecting with him though, so I'm probably entirely off with this one too. But the current numbers have me wondering if there are two "Tanks" in my future.
The funny thing is, I'm not worried about delivering a bigger baby. I've read enough big baby birth stories to know it's certainly not impossible. But I kinda wanted a smaller kid this time around, not only for a change of pace, but more importantly, so he can share Jack's wardrobe. :) Jack's always been one size ahead of his age, so I figure if this one is the "right" size then he may be able to wear the same clothes that Jack did each season. Otherwise I may have a huge pile of adorable clothes that never see the light of day next year. :(
Soon we may get a better idea of what to expect from Baby #2. I have my second (and 3D) ultrasound in 2 weeks. Hopefully baby cooperates and we get some good shots of his little self. #2 Mommy can't wait to "see" you again!!
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