Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Pardon the Interruption

We interrupt our winter vacation stories to bring you some photos of the youngest member of our family! Today we had another ultrasound at the local community college, just like we had with Jack 18 months ago. I was praying that #2 would be cooperative and give us some good shots, but it didn't really work out that way. Nevertheless, it's always fun to catch a glimpse of the little guy!

#2 is currently breech. I pretty much spent the entire hour in the ultrasound room stressing out over that, then came home, did some research and found out most babies that are breech at this point turn head down within the next 1-2 months. So I really have nothing to worry about ... for now.

First things first, this baby is most definitely a boy! The u/s tech took an enlarged, 3D picture of "it" just to prove it (that I'll spare posting). We just weren't confident in our last tech's opinion, so even though I've had a gut feeling it's a boy all along, it's nice to be sure. Not like I have anything to buy anyway.

These are training ultrasounds so the tech is just learning. Our's must have been fairly new because she was getting a lot of things wrong, and the instructor had to step in numerous times. I think I could do an ultrasound now after sitting through all that! :) Her measurements were also coming in anywhere from 26 - 30 weeks. I don't take ultrasound measurements very seriously at this point anyway, but according to today's session #2 is in a smaller percentile for his age.

But it wasn't entirely the newbie's fault, I don't think this was an easy ultrasound to begin with. Not only is Baby's butt down and head up, but he was faced inward, planted in the placenta, with an arm and leg up by either side of his head. Jack's ultrasound was all about how big his cheeks and thighs were, this one's was all about how flexible Baby is. I really don't see how that is phsyically possible, or at the very least, comfortable. I can definitely feel a difference in the way I'm carrying him though.

Needless to say, it was tough to get any good shots of the kiddo. After the trainee was FINALLY done, the instructor stepped in to work her magic. She had me turn on my side for a little, which meant I couldn't see the screen. But Jon could and he got a good glimpse at Baby's face, and his little mouth opening and closing! I'm going to post pictures anyway because I'd hate to be a disappointment, but don't feel bad if all you see is shadows!

This is his face lying sideways, forehead on the left. We all think #2's got some big cheeks like his brother!

This is a profile shot, Baby is looking slightly left. You can see his eye, nose, mouth and yes that is his FOOT on top of his HEAD. How does he do that!?

Here's a face shot that the tech so kindly labeled for the rest of us. Jon and I both think #2 looks like Jack. But we may be biased. What do you think? Then again, you're probably wondering how the heck we can see anything in these pictures.

Here's another one where his cheeks remind me of his older brother's! He's still facing slightly left with that adorable pudgy nose right in the center of the picture.

And this is one of my personal favorites, because even though Baby is sitting with a leg on either side of his face, he still managed to cross his ankles when we got a picture of his feet.

In case you're wondering what things look like on the outside, this is me today at 29 weeks exactly.

I suddenly feel huge this week! And more people are noticing I'm pregnant too. People kept asking me in the airport if I knew what I was having and when I was due. The lady next to me on the plane said I was "so small for being due in April." Really? Cuz' that belly is 38 inches around these days, including belly button. [Speaking of which, Jack loves to run up to me and push on my belly button, he gets a real kick out of it! :)]

Other than heartburn every night and having to constantly pee, I still feel good. Things are just starting to get a little uncomfortable. For instance, my back starts to hurt after washing a lot of dishes because I can't stand close enough to the sink. And bending over to pick up Jack's toys kinda makes me feel like I'm suffocating. But I'm sleeping great, and for that I'm very, very grateful! It's hard to believe we only have 11 weeks left!

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