Sunday, May 17, 2009

Over the ocean and through the city ...

... to Marmie's house we go. And Poppa's. But it seems that most kids refer to the collective grandparents as the maternal title. So anyway, Jon went scuba diving in the Cayman Islands with his dad and Jack and I went to hang out at my parents for the week. It was a nice change from the same old, same old. And even though Jack still has to eat and take naps, and I still have to work, it make life interesting to do it all somewhere else. Actually, he did so good taking naps and sleeping all night in Uncle Jared's room that the trip was so much more pleasant than I imagined it would be!

It doesn't matter how long we're in town, there just never seems to be enough time to do and see everything we'd like to. But we did try to fit in as much as we could. So while Jon was out swimming with the sting rays ...

... Jack and I went on a short shopping spree for some bigger baby clothes, had lunch at The Fence, went to a few graduation parties, got ready for the upcoming yard sale, met Poppa's co-workers, and partied with Marmie's students. In fact, Jack loves meeting new people. He can act a little quiet and shy at first, but once he realizes he's the center of attention he really turns the charm on. He thought it was hilarious to be caught in the middle of 15 5- and 6- year olds crazy just to touch his hand, a few daring individuals went for the face but for the most part it was just a bunch of ooing and awwing and pointing and laughing.

Speaking of going for the face ... Jack got to meet up with a few of his buddies from back home. Here's a picture of Jack and his girl Edie meeting up for the first time since Christmas.

She was playing hard-to-get. Unfortunately, Jack wasn't having it and scratched her right in the eye. But later on we caught them snuggling in the church nursery.

Jack also got a chance to chill out with Trenton. These two are still learning to get along at this point. Jack tried to scratch Trenton's face too but Trenton was too quick for him. All my friends in Virginia have little girls so Jack could use a little more practice hanging with the dudes.

One of the best parts about being home is having someone else to share the Jack-duties. There's always a grandparent, G.G., aunt, uncle or cousin willing to entertain, hold, feed, and occasionally change, the baby ... although not everyone does thing exactly the way I do ... (see picture below of Jack after Poppa fed him).
The best part was that the fun didn't end after we left Pennsylvania. Jack and I took Uncle Jared along as our "Manny" to pick Jon up from the Philly airport, and then met up with the rest of the family at our house for my graduation weekend.

Aside from the academic events, we also made time for the beach and celebrating Uncle Jared, Marmie, and Poppa's birthdays as well as Mother's Day at Dockside, my latest favorite restaurant. Actually the last time we went there was when my parents came down to see newborn Jack, then 5 days old.

He definitely doesn't sit this still now. This time, we all had to take turns keeping Jack entertained so we could each have a chance to eat. Isn't it fun watching them grow!

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