I'm sure it's just the age I've reached, but all of a sudden it feels like anyone and everyone is gettin' pregnant. Well almost everyone, those who aren't, you know who you are, and Jack and I have a target on your house! Okay so I know it is not my personal mission to convince all couples to have babies, but c'mon, don't we make it look like so much fun!! ;)
When I was first pregnant I began to notice how many pregnant women there are in the world. Everywhere I'd go - mall, grocery store, school, church - I'd spot these Mamas. Now that Jack is here, I'm becoming more and more aware of babies. I eye down every stroller, wondering about the little tot inside, trying to figure out if each child is older, younger, bigger, smaller, cuter, smarter, etc. than Jack. (Usually they are not cuter or smarter).
You know you've arrived in the "childbearing years" when start running in to your friends and co-workers at Babies 'R Us on a Saturday. Part of me misses the end of the young and free era, but I've found that this age is a lot more fun than I imagined - full of excitement and anticipation. We're so thrilled for all of our friends who are having babies! Baby Fever has definitely arrived. I have to admit, I can't wait to be pregnant again. Besides, Jack has grown so big, so fast, I feel like I hardly got to enjoy the newborn months :(, I could really use another baby! But for those of you who are already asking, we're not ready quite yet. I really want to take the time to focus on Jack, continue learning all the tricks of a first-time mom and, most importantly, get my abs back! Plus we have to consider that we'll be making a big move next summer, and Jon will either be starting a new job or a new grad school program in the fall. Not that he would have to do much with a baby those first few months, but I could really use his help with Jack. :)
So for now I'm just going to enjoy all our friends' babies. I do love watching this new generation arrive. And I can't help but wonder which of these babies will end up being Jack's best buddies or even future wife (I know, I know, I'm one of those moms who starts picking out spouses from the womb).
Mommyhood is a whole new dimension, it's like experiencing life in a completely different way. And mommies love to talk about it with other mommies. So get yourself a baby and come hang out with Jack and I!
I feel yah on this was Janine! I REALLY want another baby right now...but the cost of having two in day care is on the ridiculous side!!! Also, like you, I truly enjoy the one-on-one time I get with Amyah. So, we will probably be waiting until she is 4 or 5 before baby #2 happens...unless it is in God's will and divine intervention to have one sooner. ;o)
I have to say, I am pretty in love with the long-distance faux-aunt thing I have going. And I recently told Nate that I think 30 is the new 27, so rushing into parenthood we are not! Besides, I am quite content learning from all of my friends' experiences so I know what to avoid. haha that being said, I can't wait to see Jack (and you!) again!
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