Tuesday, August 11, 2009

And his first word is ...

... Mamma!! Of course. The other day Jack was talking to himself while playing in his booster seat while I was cleaning dishes or something. All of a sudden I hear him say "Mama." It was pretty exciting, but since no one else was around I was sure Jon would never believe me. It wasn't long before he said it again, and again, and again. He pretty much just goes "mom mom mom momaaaa" all day now. But I would just like to say that it STILL COUNTS as his first word, even if he doesn't realize he's saying my name.

I think the funniest part of this video is Jon worrying about smooshed strawberries. Thankfully Nonnie doesn't mind having her kitchen chairs "painted." Oh and how 'bout when my own flesh and blood pushes me away. Not too happy about that. Apparently he wasn't either.

On a different note, you may have noticed I took a bit of a blogcation last week. Don't be concerned, I haven't quit blogging (don't you hate when people just quit writing on their blogs with no indication whatsoever?!?), we just were of of town for a while making s'mores, kayaking, picking wild blueberries, hiking waterfalls, shopping for bridesmaid dresses, riding rollercoasters and getting new teeth. Curious yet? Lots of exciting things happened so there will be plenty to talk about over the next few days. Unfortunately, I'm not allowing myself to do anything "fun" until I get caught up on my work.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

I love Jack's new-found language, and I love predictable Jon in the background! miss you all so much.

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