No, I'm not getting my Christmas trees confused with red hearts. Today baby is 24 weeks along and that means he has good chances of surviving outside the womb, should he choose to make his entrance anytime after today. It is viability day, the point where most doctors will make an attempt to save your baby, before 24 weeks many insurance companies won't even cover such attempts since survival rates are so low. Now, I am quite sure, J Jr. here has no plans to begin his exit. It is wayyy to comfoy in Mommy's belly, and we like our babies to be big and healthy in this family. But isn't it amazing to think that, thanks to modern medicine, he has a chance at life should he arrive earlier than planned?
To be honest, v-day never even crossed my mind with Jack. I mean, I am just starting to show. It was only yesterday that I realized a belly was starting to get in between me and putting on my socks. Baby hasn't even been kicking me in the gut that long. The last thing on my mind at this point is going into labor.
But after hearing about my fellow J-namer, Michelle Duggar, who had her 25-weeker via emergency c-section 2 weeks ago, V-day has really hit home. She was only 3 weeks ahead of me. I've been anxiously awaiting for them to announce the gender so I could worry about her stealing my J name, and then I see on the news that baby girl Josie Brooklyn is here and stable. (In case you are wondering, that is not one of my names.)
And so, in the midst of this beautiful holiday season, while we're busy celebrating Jon's birthday, and taking part in numerous Christmas celebrations, we're also happy to toast (sparkling grape juice of course) to today - V-Day, to our healthy baby #2 and to the next 16 or so weeks I'm planning on keeping him to myself.
I'm wishing you all the merriest of Christmases, see you next year! :)
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